class Sanitize::Policy::Text


Reduces an HTML tree to the content of its text nodes. It renders a plain text result, similar to copying HTML content rendered by a browser to a text editor. HTML special characters are escaped.

policy =
policy.process(%(foo <strong><a href="bar">bar</a>!</strong>)) # => "foo bar!"
policy.process(%(<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>))                        # => "foo bar"
policy.block_whitespace = "\n"
policy.process(%(<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>)) # => "foo\nbar"

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Sanitize::Policy

block_tag?(name) block_tag?, block_whitespace : String block_whitespace, block_whitespace=(block_whitespace) block_whitespace=, process(html : String | XML::Node) : String process, process_document(html : String | XML::Node) : String process_document, transform_tag(name : String, attributes : Hash(String, String)) : String | Processor::CONTINUE | Processor::STOP transform_tag, transform_text(text : String) : String? transform_text

Instance Method Detail

def transform_tag(name : String, attributes : Hash(String, String)) : String | CONTINUE | STOP #
Description copied from class Sanitize::Policy

Receives the element name and attributes of an opening tag and returns the transformed element name (usually the same as the input name).

attributes are transformed directly in place.

Special return values:

  • Processor::CONTINUE: Tells the processor to strip the current tag but continue traversing its children.
  • Processor::CONTINUE: Tells the processor to skip the current tag and its children completely and move to the next sibling.

def transform_text(text : String) : String? #
Description copied from class Sanitize::Policy

Receives the content of a text node and returns the transformed content.

If the return value is nil, the content is skipped.