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An implementation of the Jinja2 template engine written in Crystal.

Custom features

You can provide custom tags, filters, functions, operators and tests. Create an implementation using the macros Crinja.filter, Crinja.function, Crinja.test. They need to be passed a block which will be converted to a Proc. Optional arguments are a Hash or NamedTuple with default arguments and a name. If a name is provided, it will be added to the feature library defaults and available in every environment which uses the registered defaults.

Example with macro Crinja.filter:

require "./crinja"
env =

myfilter = Crinja.filter({ attribute: nil }) do
  "#{target} is #{arguments["attribute"]}!"

env.filters["customfilter"] = myfilter

template = env.from_string(%({{ "Hello World" | customfilter(attribute="super") }}))
puts template.render

Or you can define a class for more complex features:

require "./crinja"
env =

class Customfilter
  include Crinja::Callable

  getter name = "customfilter"

  getter defaults = Crinja.variables({
    "attribute" => "great"

  def call(arguments)
    "#{} is #{arguments["attribute"]}!"
env.filters <<

template = env.from_string(%({{ "Hello World" | customfilter(attribute="super") }}))
puts template.render